
Voici une liste de publications représentatives, organisée par année de parution. Pour une liste complète, voir mon CV.


  1. Beccaria, F., Gagliardi, G., & Kissine, M. (2024). Atypical regional accent in autistic children: a perception study. Autism Research, online first.
  2. Clin, E., Miller, E., & Kissine, M. (2024). Similar social attention, physiological arousal, and familiarity effect in autistic and neurotypical children: A real-life recreational eye-tracking paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(4), 1112–1130.
  3. Dumont, C., Belenger, M., Eigsti, I.-M., & Kissine, M. (2024). Enhanced pitch discrimination in autistic children with unexpected bilingualism. Autism Research, 17(9), 1844–1852.
  4. Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Jaspard, S., & Kissine, M. (2024). Autistic adults display different verbal behavior only in mixed-neurotype interactions: Evidence from a referential communication task. Autism, online first.
  5. Kissine, M., & Clin, E. (2024). Voice pitch and gender in autism. Autism, online first.
  6. Maes, P., Stercq, F., & Kissine, M. (2024). Temporal distribution of visual attention between the eyes and mouth in young autistic children. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 110, 102292.
  7. Pantazi, M., Klein, O., & Kissine, M. (2024). The Achilles’ heel of the truth bias? High personal stakes reduce vulnerability to false information. European Journal of Social Psychology, 54(6).
  8. Papastamou, F., Dumont, C., Destrebecqz, A., & Kissine, M. (2024). Predictive processing during cue-outcome associative learning in autistic children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.


  1. Clin, E., & Kissine, M. (2023). Listener- versus speaker-oriented disfluencies in autistic adults: Insights from wearable eye-tracking and skin conductance within a live face-to-face paradigm. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 6(8), 2562–2580.
  2. Clin, E., & Kissine, M. (2023). Neurotypical, but not autistic, adults might experience distress when looking at someone avoiding eye contact: A live face-to-face paradigm. Autism, 27(7), 1949–1959.
  3. Kissine, M., Saint-Denis, A., & Mottron, L. (2023). Language acquisition can be truly atypical in autism: Beyond joint attention. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 153, 105384.
  4. Kissine, M., & De Brabanter, P. (2023). Pragmatic responses to under-informative some-statements are not scalar implicatures. Cognition, 237, 105463.
  5. Maes, P., Weyland, M., & Kissine, M. (2023). Structure and acoustics of the speech of verbal autistic preschoolers. Journal of Child Language, 1–17.
  6. Maes, P., Weyland, M., & Kissine, M. (2023). Describing (pre)linguistic oral productions in 3- to 5-year-old autistic children: A cluster analysis. Autism, 27(4), 967–982.


  1. Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Deliens, G., & Kissine, M. (2021). Judgments of spoken discourse and impression formation of neurotypical and autistic adults. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 82, 101742.
  2. Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., & Kissine, M. (2021). How do autistic adults use syntactic and prosodic cues to manage spoken discourse? Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 35(12), 1184–1209.
  3. Kissine, M. (2021). Facing the complexity of language in autism (Response to commentators). Language, 97(3), e228–e237.
  4. Kissine, M. (2021). Autism, constructionism, and nativism. Language, 97(3), e139–e160.
  5. Kissine, M., Bertels, J., Deconinck, N., Passeri, G., & Deliens, G. (2021). Audio-visual integration in nonverbal or minimally verbal young autistic children. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150(10), 2137–2157.
  6. Kissine, M., Geelhand, P., Philippart De Foy, M., Harmegnies, B., & Deliens, G. (2021). Phonetic Inflexibility in Autistic Adults. Autism Research, 14(6), 1186–1196.
  7. Maes, P., Stercq, F., & Kissine, M. (2021). Attention to intentional versus incidental pointing gestures in young autistic children: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210, 105205.
  8. van Tiel, B., Deliens, G., Geelhand, P., Murillo Oosterwijk, A., & Kissine, M. (2021). Strategic deception in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(1), 255–266.


  1. Antoniou, K., Veenstra, A., Kissine, M., & Katsos, N. (2020). How does childhood bilingualism and bi-dialectalism affect the interpretation and processing of pragmatic meanings? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23(1), 186–203.
  2. Clin, E., Maes, P., Stercq, F., & Kissine, M. (2020). No preference for direct versus averted gaze in autistic adults: a reinforced preferential looking paradigm. Molecular Autism, 11(1), 91.
  3. Geelhand, P., Papastamou, F., Deliens, G., & Kissine, M. (2020). Narrative production in autistic adults: A systematic analysis of the microstructure, macrostructure and internal state language. Journal of Pragmatics, 164, 57–81.
  4. Kissine, M., & Pantazi, M. (2020). Pragmatic accommodation. In D. Gutzmann, L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullmann, & T. E. Zimmerman (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Semantics (pp. 1–16). Wiley.
  5. Ostashchenko, E., Deliens, G., Durrleman, S., & Kissine, M. (2020). An eye-tracking study of selective trust development in children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 189, 104697.
  6. Pantazi, M., Klein, O., & Kissine, M. (2020). Is justice blind or myopic? An examination of the effects of meta-cognitive myopia and truth bias on mock jurors and judges. Judgment and Decision Making, 15(2), 214–229.


  1. Geelhand, P., Bernard, P., Klein, O., Van Tiel, B., & Kissine, M. (2019). The role of gender in the perception of autism symptom severity and future behavioral development. Molecular Autism, 10(1).
  2. Geurts, B., Kissine, M., & van Tiel, B. (2019). Pragmatic reasoning in autism. In K. Moranyi & R. Byrne (Eds.), Thinking, Reasoning, and Decision Making in Autism (pp. 113–134). Routledge.
  3. Jary, M., & Kissine, M. (2019). Mood and the analysis of imperative sentences. In K. Scott, B. Clark, & R. Carston (Eds.), Relevance: Pragmatics and Interpretation (pp. 115–126). Cambridge University Press.
  4. Kissine, M., & Geelhand, P. (2019). Acoustic evidence for increased articulatory stability in the speech of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(6), 2572–2580.
  5. Kissine, M., Luffin, X., Aiad, F., Bourourou, R., Deliens, G., & Gaddour, N. (2019). Noncolloquial Arabic in Tunisian children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a possible instance of language acquisition in a noninteractive context. Language Learning, 69(1), 44–70.
  6. Ostashchenko, E., Deliens, G., Geelhand, P., Bertels, J., & Kissine, M. (2019). Referential processing in 3- and 5-year-old children is egocentrically anchored. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(8), 1387–1397.
  7. Ostashchenko, E., Geelhand, P., Deliens, G., & Kissine, M. (2019). Struggling with alternative descriptions: Impaired referential processing in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 66, 101414.


  1. Deliens, G., Antoniou, K., Clin, E., Ostashchenko, E., & Kissine, M. (2018). Context, facial expression and prosody in irony processing. Journal of Memory and Language, 99, 35–48.
  2. Deliens, G., Papastamou, F., Ruytenbeek, N., Geelhand, P., & Kissine, M. (2018). Selective pragmatic Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder: indirect requests versus irony. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48(9), 2938–2952.
  3. Pantazi, M., Kissine, M., & Klein, O. (2018). The power of the truth bias: false information affects memory and judgment even in the absence of distraction. Social Cognition, 36(2), 167–198.
  4. Veenstra, A., Antoniou, K., Katsos, N., & Kissine, M. (2018). Resisting attraction: Individual differences in executive control are associated with subject–verb agreement errors in production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44(8), 1242–1253.
  5. van Tiel, B., Noveck, I., & Kissine, M. (2018). Reasoning with ‘some.’ Journal of Semantics, 35(4), 757–797.
  6. Van Tiel, B., & Kissine, M. (2018). Quantity-based reasoning in the broader autism phenotype: a web-based study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(6), 1373–1403.


  1. Deliens, G., Antoniou, K., Clin, E., & Kissine, M. (2017). Perspective-taking and frugal strategies: Evidence from sarcasm detection. Journal of Pragmatics, 119, 33–45.
  2. Jary, M., & Kissine, M. (2017). Imperatives as (non-)modals. In J. Balszczak, A. Giannakidou, D. Klimek-Jankowska, & K. Migdalski (Eds.), Cross-linguistic Approaches to Tense, Aspect and Mood. Chicago Univerisyt Press.
  3. Ruytenbeek, N., Ostashchenko, E., & Kissine, M. (2017). Indirect request processing, sentence types and illocutionary forces. Journal of Pragmatics, 119, 46–62.


  1. Jary, M., & Kissine, M. (2016). When terminology matters: The imperative as a comparative concept. Linguistics, 54(1), 119.
  2. Kissine, M. (2016). Non-assertion speech acts. In S. Goldberg & E. Borg (Eds.), Oxfrod Handbook of Philosophy Online (Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.
  3. Kissine, M. (2016). Pragmatics as Metacognitive Control. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(2057).


  1. Kissine, M., Cano-Chervel, J., Carlier, S., De Brabanter, P., Ducenne, L., Pairon, M.-C., Deconinck, N., Delvenne, V., & Leybaert, J. (2015). Children with Autism Understand Indirect Speech Acts: Evidence from a Semi-Structured Act-Out Task. PLOS ONE, 10(11), e0142191.


  1. Jary, M., & Kissine, M. (2014). Imperatives. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Kissine, M. (2014). Will, scope and modality: a response to Broekhuis and Verkuyl. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 32(4), 1427–1431.


  1. Kissine, M. (2013). From Utterances to Speech Acts. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Kissine, M., & Klein, O. (2013). Models of communication, epistemic trust and epistemic vigilance. In J. P. Forgas (Ed.), Social Cognition and Communication (pp. 139–154). Psychology Press.


  1. Kissine, M. (2012). Sentences, utterances, and speech acts. In K. Allan & K. M. Jaszczolt (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics (pp. 169–190). Cambridge University Press.
  2. Kissine, M. (2012). Pragmatics, cognitive flexibility and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mind & Language, 27(1), 1–28.
  3. Kissine, M. (2012). From contexts to circumstances of evaluation: is the trade-off always innocuous? Synthese, 184(2), 199–216.
  4. Kissine, M., De Brabanter, P., & Leybaert, J. (2012). Compliance with requests by children with autism: the impact of sentence type. Autism, 16(5), 523–531.


  1. Kissine, M. (2010). Metaphorical projection, subjectification and English speech act verbs. Folia Linguistica, 44(2).


  1. Kissine, M. (2009). Illocutionary forces and what is said. Mind & Language, 24(1), 122–138.


  1. Kissine, M. (2008). Assertoric commitments. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 22(1), 155–177.
  2. Kissine, M. (2008). Locutionary, Illocutionary, Perlocutionary. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2(6), 1189–1202.
  3. Kissine, M. (2008). From predictions to promises. Pragmatics & Cognition, 16(3), 471–491.
  4. Kissine, M. (2008). Why will is not a modal. Natural Language Semantics, 16(2), 129–155.